Process Paper

Process Paper

Apollo 11: First to The Moon and Back

Will Geiken and Elliot Carter 

Junior Group Website 

Word Count: 1,117 Words

Word Count in Process Paper: 498 Words

We chose this topic because it was a mix between both of our interests. We like science and engineering, so this topic caught our interest and intrigued us. We decided to read into it and choose if we liked Apollo 11 as a topic. We loved it. We live in such an insanely technological time that we thought that Apollo 11 would be useful to know how we got the first men on the moon compared to what the process would be right now. Apollo 11 was honestly amazing that even in the 60’s and 70’s people were able to land two men on the moon and communicate with them from the United States.

We started off by going to the library and searching the computers to find a reliable primary book source. We ended up finding 4 books. So we decided to go into google chrome and look up primary sources for Apollo 11 which we ended up finding really good sources to use for research. We ended up finding multiple different types of sources like newspaper articles, websites, and even mission reports. This information helped us to find a different variety of sources to prove our point.

We created our project very efficiently because when the first few benchmarks for NHD came out we were right on top of them we were determined to stay ahead of the benchmarks before they were coming out. We ended up getting done with every benchmark and starting out project before anyone in our class. Our goal was to make it look as nice as possible and to have it function just as well. We evenly distributed the work so that both of us could work on what we are best at. We split the website into sections and we decided what was easiest and hardest to complete. When we split it up we gave each other half and half so we knew what to do so we could get it done and then add a few touch ups to the parts we didn’t do as well on. 

This topic connects to the theme Breaking Barriers In History because this was a huge barrier that the whole world was anticipating with the race to space and all of the technological leaps to land the first man on the moon. Our nation needed to expand its knowledge on space and engineering which was a huge barrier that NASA shattered. As President John F. Kennedy said,”We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard, because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one which we intend to win.” Apollo 11 broke the U.S. goal of bringing men to the moon and it gave pride to our whole country.

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