
                                                                     Annotated Bibliography

Primary Sources:

“An Excerpt from Footage of the Apollo 11 Lunar Landing, 1969.” An Excerpt from Footage of the Apollo 11            Lunar Landing, 1969. | DPLA, 

      This is a piece of footage during their time on the moon. This video showed what they did on the moon            and how they communicated. It helped us visualize the actual event.

Apollo 11 Crew Photo.                   video-released/38481247760450/?ur3=1. 

       This photograph was the official photo for the Apollo 11 crew. We used this photo to show who the                   astronauts were.

Apollo 11 Crew Training. 23 Mar. 2017,         training/. 

       This is a photo of the Apollo 11 crew training for their mission. We used this photo to illistrate the work             the astronauts put in to be ready for their mission.

Apollo 11 Eagle Module. 

       This is a photo of the Apollo 11 Eagle module. We used this photo to show what the Apollo 11 crew used          to land on the moon.

Apollo 11 Emblem.            long-history-of-mission-patches/2018/07/16/b16b9052-83bf-11e8-8f6c-46cb43e3f306_story.html. 

       This photo was the emblem for the Apollo 11 mission and was a patch on the spacesuits. We used this to         show what their emblem looked like.

Apollo 11 Landing Area. 22 Apr. 2015,                   apollo-moon-landing-sites/. 

       This is a picture of the Apollo 11 landing area. We used this picture to show exactly where Apollo 11                 landed.

Apollo 11 Landing Site. 20 July 2019,                   years-after-apollo-11-s-giant-leap-on-moon. 

       This is a photo of the Apollo 11 landing site. We used this photo to show what the Apollo 11 landing site         looked like.

Apollo 11 Lifts Off. 

       This photo was the rocket for Apollo 11 launching. We showed this because it was what the launch                   looked like.

Apollo 11 Medal. 

       This photo was a coin made out of the medal made to honor the Apollo 11 crew and their historic                     accomplishment. We used this image to show why Apollo 11 is important.

Apollo 11 Module Sketch.ço_Apollo.gif. 

       This image is a sketch of the Apollo 11 command module. We used this image for a background to match         the rest of the page.

“Apollo 11 Moon Landing: Watch the Most Iconic Moments from CBS News' Coverage.” CBS News, CBS                    Interactive,                        moments- from-cbs-news-apollo-11-moon-landing-coverage/. 

       This site showed us many iconic moments from the Apollo 11 mission.

Apollo 11 Moonwalk. 20 July 2019, 

       This photo was of Buzz Aldrin planting the American flag on the moon. We showed this photo because it         was the first flag on the moon.

Apollo 11 Orbiting the Moon. 11 July 219AD,                                                                                                        

       This is a picture of Apollo 11 orbiting the moon. We used this picture to show how far from Earth the                 Apollo 11 crew were.

Apollo 11 Plaque. 18 July 2009,                                                                                                                              

       This photo was of the plaque Apollo 11 left behind with the Eagle module. We displayed this because               that plaque represented all of mankind showing the impact from Apollo 11 on people throughout the               world.

Apollo 11 Splashdown. 21 July 2012,               11-recovery-mission/. 

       This is a picture of the Apollo 11 recovery. We used this photo to point out how many people were                   trained to safely and smoothly extract Apollo 11 from their capsule.

Apollo 11 Transport. 9 Dec. 2018,                    anniversary. 

        This is a picture of the Apollo 11 crew about to be transported to the rocket for launch. We used this to            illistrate how they arrived at the rocket from the NASA complex.

Bettmann. Apollo Spacecraft Lift Off.                  11-mission-to-the-moon-pictures. 

        This picture is of the spectators watching the Apollo 11 launch. We showed this picture to give an idea of          how big the crowds were because this picture was just a small portion of the crowds gathered to watch            the Apollo 11 launch.

Burnt Apollo 1 Module. 

        This is a photo of the burnt module of Apollo 1. We used this to show what NASA had to overcome and            fix in order for Apollo 11 to reach the moon.

Buzz Aldrin Footstep on the Moon.                                                                                                                         

        This is a photo of one of Buzz Aldrin's footstep's on the moon. We showed this picture because one                  small footstep like this changed the world.

“Buzz Aldrin Interview.”, 

        This interview answered why we went to the moon and what it was like. This site also showed us what                Aldrin thought may in the future of NASA.

Buzz Aldrin on the Moon. 

         This is a well known photo of an astronaut on the moon. We used this photo because it showed how                 recognizable Apollo 11 is.

“‘Cars Backed Up 10 Miles in Area of Cape Kennedy’ for Apollo 11 Launch.”,                            

         This site showed how important the people thought the launch was. It helped us understand some                   reaction on Apollo 11.

Cold War Flags.               during-the-cold-war. 

         This is a photo of the Soviet Union and the US's flags. We used this photo to display who was part of the           space race.

Computer Control Room.             the-way-for-the-internet-economy/#6df9015175f3. 

         This is a picture of NASA's Apollo 11 control center. We used this pictures because it shows behind                   the scenes for the success in Apollo 11.

Eyerman, J. R. Engineers Calculating Landing for Apollo Missions. 31 May 2018,           specifically-wrote-the-first-original-formula-to-travel-to-the-moon-in-the-Apollo-11.

         This is a photo of NASA engineers calculating a small portion of the math need for the launch and                     landing of Apollo 11. We used this photo to implie how much math and work was needed in order for               the success of the Apollo 11 mission.

File:President Nixon Telephones the Apollo 11 Crew on the Moon.ogv - Wikimedia Commons,                            

         This is a video of president Nixon calling Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin. We used this to show what                 Apollo 11 meant to people in the US and beyond.

Firing Room 1. 2 July 2019, 

         This photo is of the NASA firing room during the countdown for the Apollo 11 mission launch. We                     showed this photo to recognize how the launch went so smoothly.

John F. Kennedy Speech. Accessed           12 Sept. 2012. 

         This was a picture of John F. Kennedy's speech to reach the moon. We used this photo to expresss how             Kennedy inspired America to reach the moon.

Leifer, Neil, and Taschen. Apollo 11 Ticker Tape Parade. New York, 19 July 2019,                                                                  on-moon.

        This is a photo of the massive ticker tape parade hosted in New York for Apollo 11. We showed this                  picture to demonstrate the size of the parade for Apollo 11.

Loff, Sarah. “Apollo 11.” NASA, NASA, 16 Mar. 2015, 

        This site gave us many different stories and perspectives on Apollo 11.

Lunar Surface.

        This photo is the lunar surface of the moon. We used this photo as a matching background for                          our website because it's impacted America with Apollo 11's landing.

Major, Jason. Apollo Landing Sites. 20 June 2016, 

        This is a picture of the Apollo landing sites. We used this picture to show where Apollo 11 landed                      compared to other Apollo missions.

Margaret Hamilton.              should-know/. 

       This is a picture of Margaret Hamilton who was a leading coder for the Apollo 11 computers. We used                this photo to show how much coding it took for Apollo 11 and who did it.

Memo to  President Page 3. 23 July 2019,         foreign-reaction/. 

       This is a photo of the memo Frank Shakespeare gave to Nixon on foreign reaction. We used this picture           to show the reaction across the globe on Apollo 11.

Memo to President Page 1. 23 July 2019,           foreign-reaction/.

       This is a photo of the memo Frank Shakespeare gave to Nixon on foreign reaction. We used this picture           to implie the reaction across the globe in reagards to Apollo 11.

Memo to President Page 2. 23 July 2019,           foreign-reaction/.

       This is a photo of the memo Frank Shakespeare gave to Nixon on foreign reaction. We used this picture           to implie the reaction across the globe in regards to Apollo 11.

Memo to President Page 4. 23 July 1969,           foreign-reaction/.

       This is a photo of the memo Frank Shakespeare gave to Nixon on foreign reaction. We used this picture           to implie the reaction across the globe in regards to Apollo 11.


      This is a picture of the moon. We used this photo to show what the moon looks like.

“NASA Mission Report.” NASA Mission Report, NASA,                                                                                        

      This site gave us specific details about the Apollo 11 mission.

Nixon Calling the Moon. 20 July 2019,                                                                                                                  

      This is a picture of a TV showing Nixon calling Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin. We used this to                          express what people throughout the nation on TV.

Official Portrait of Neil Armstrong. 

     This is the official portrait for Neil Armstrong taken by NASA. We used this to present the leader of the              Apollo 11 mission.

Restored Console for 50th Anniversary . NASA Johnson Space Center,                                                                            main-computer-from-1969-6967311.html.

     This is a picture of the original consoles for mission control used for Apollo 11, restored for the 50th                 anniversary. We used this picture to explain that the consoles were restored to remember Apollo 11.

Rocket Propulsion Equation. 31 May 1961,         formula-to-travel-to-the-moon-in-the-Apollo-11.

     This is one of the equations used for the Apollo 11's trajectory algorithm. We used this to indicate how              complicated it could be to calculate the trajectory.

Tabor, Abigail. “Math Invented for Moon Landing Helps Your Flight Arrive on Time.” NASA, NASA, 17 July               2019, 

           This site depicted how NASA calculated the math needed for the Apollo 11 mission.

Theissen, Mark. Sputnik 1.

     This is a picture of Sputnik 1, the first probe in space, which started the space race between America                 and the Soviet Union. We used this image to show what started the conflict which lead to Apollo 11.

Ticker Tape Parade for Apollo 11.

     This is a photo of the parade hosted to honor Apollo 11. We used this picture to symbolize the respect and       pride people had in Apollo 11.

Watching Apollo 11.

     This is a picture of former President Lyndmann watching the launch of Apollo 11. We used this to show             how crowded the area around the Apollo 11 launch site was.



Secondary Sources:

“About the Spacecraft.” About the Spacecraft | National Air and Space Museum,                                              Accessed         5 Feb. 2020.

     This was a good site for learning about the rocket, spaceship, and module of Apollo 11.

“Access Britannica School.” Britannica School,                     Accessed 5 Feb. 2020.

    This was good site to start with. This site gave a good background and overview of the Apollo 11 mission.

Bizony, Piers. One Giant Leap: Apollo 11 Remembered. Zenith Press, 2009.

    This book was about the emotional and cultural impact on society throughout America and the world.

CBS News. “How NASA's Moon Mission Turned Houston into ‘Space City.’” CBS News, CBS Interactive, 20 July      2019,          20/. Accessed 5 Feb. 2020.

    This site was about how the Apollo 11 mission put Houston on the map. This site revealed to us that                  Houston was not big before Apollo 11 but then NASA set up mission control in Houston making the "Space      City". Houston was to home of many more space missions.

Chaikin, Andrew, et al. Mission Control, This Is Apollo: the Story of the First Voyages to the Moon. Viking,               2009.

      This book was about the Apollo missions and showed how NASA achieved Apollo 11. This book also the          rise and descent of popularity in Apollo mission after Apollo 11.

Fishman, Charles. “What You Didn't Know About the Apollo 11 Mission.”, Smithsonian                  Institution,             fifty-years-ago-180972165/. Accessed 5 Feb. 2020.

     This was a good site for many interesting facts and quotes.

Lee, Karen. “Apollo 11 Moon Landing - Topics on” Topics, 30 July 2019,                                Accessed 5 Feb. 2020.

     This site was about the launch and landing of Apollo 11. which gave us a broad understanding of Apollo           11.

Maurer, Richard. Destination Moon: the Remarkable and Improbable Voyage of Apollo 11. ROARING BROOK,         2019.

     This book was about the origins of the space race which would lead to Apollo 11.

Nelson, Craig. Rocket Men: the Epic Story of the First Men on the Moon. John Murray, 2010.

     This book is about how NASA reached the moon and after the mission. This book showed us why NASA           went to the moon and what happened to the Apollo 11 crew after the mission.

O'Donnell, Norah. “‘Say Something, I'm Speechless!": Inside the CBS News Coverage of Apollo 11.” CBS News,       CBS Interactive, 16 July 2019,       coverage-of-apollo-11/. Accessed 5 Feb. 2020.

     This site was about the broadcasting of Apollo 11. This site helped us see what millions of people saw of           Apollo 11 at the time.

Redd, Nola Taylor. “Apollo 11 Was a Voyage of Discovery About Our Solar System - Here's What We Learned.”, Space, 23 July 2019, Accessed 5       Feb. 2020.

     This site was about the legacy of Apollo 11. This site explained to us what Apollo 11's legacy was and what       it impacted.​​​​​​​